Quality of service
CCR Group has consistently grown its participation in the airport concession segment in recent years. The quality of service provided to passengers, airlines and other stakeholders interacting with the airports is a differential in the company's business model.
Quality of service
CCR Group has consistently grown its participation in the airport concession segment in recent years. The quality of service provided to passengers, airlines and other stakeholders interacting with the airports is a differential in the company's business model.
Investments made by BH Airport, which manages Confins International Airport (MG), have been recognized by institutions in Brazil and abroad. In early 2018, the unit received the Airport Service Quality (ASQ) award from Airports Council International (ACI World) for its progress in the quality of service provided. ASQ looks at passengers' perceptions and travel experience using 34 indicators, comparing over 300 airports worldwide.
Each quarter, BH Airport services are appraised using the Passenger Satisfaction Survey, coordinated by the federal government and involving 20 of Brazil's main terminals. In the third quarter of 2018, the airport received an overall satisfaction score of 4.61, on a scale of 0 to 5. In the last three years, the unit has gone from 12th to 2nd place in the ranking. Initiatives such as the Quiet Airport project, reducing the number of audio advisories in departure areas and increasing acoustic comfort, contributed to this performance.
Quito Airport (Ecuador), managed by Quiport, was once again recognized as the best terminal in the South America region in the 2018 edition of the Skytrax World Airport awards. The unit was also awarded in the Best Airport Team in South America category.
Safe operations
Safety at airport terminal operations managed by CCR Group demand joint action between all stakeholders working at terminal facilities. To continually enhance this process and minimize related risks, BH Airport has an integrated CIPA, a safety forum in which 100 people participate, including safety specialists and airport community representatives.
Safe operations
Safety at airport terminal operations managed by CCR Group demand joint action between all stakeholders working at terminal facilities. To continually enhance this process and minimize related risks, BH Airport has an integrated CIPA, a safety forum in which 100 people participate, including safety specialists and airport community representatives.
Maintenance activities on runways and cargo and aircraft movements are handled under the auspices of operational safety. Processes related to baggage and passenger inspections, monitoring of cargo and combating illegal acts are, in turn, covered by airport safety norms and instruments.
On the occupational safety front, concessions work to raise employee awareness, monitor correct use of protective equipment and other aspects during field inspections, and evaluate potential risks to people, proposing action plans. With these initiatives, BH Airport has been able to lower rates of accident severity and frequency, for example.
Operational eco-efficiency
In the airport segment, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are one of the chief environment impacts resulting from operations. Aware of this issue and in an effort to find best practices, in 2018, BH Airport became the country's first airport concession to be recognized for mapping carbon emissions at level 1. The unit was accredited under the Airport Council International (ACI) Airport Carbon Accreditation program and was certified according to the ISO 14064 standard for GHG emissions.
Operational eco-efficiency
In the airport segment, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are one of the chief environment impacts resulting from operations. Aware of this issue and in an effort to find best practices, in 2018, BH Airport became the country's first airport concession to be recognized for mapping carbon emissions at level 1. The unit was accredited under the Airport Council International (ACI) Airport Carbon Accreditation program and was certified according to the ISO 14064 standard for GHG emissions.
The ACI program follows the guidelines of the GHG Protocol and the steps are created to assess and recognize airport initiatives aimed at improving environmental performance related to climate issues. After mapping emissions (level 1), the next steps are to reduce (level 2), optimize (level 3) and neutralize (level 4) GHG emissions. BH Airport has the goal of reaching the highest level of accreditation, which only 37 airports have achieved worldwide.
Wildlife management in Minas Gerais
BH Airport has developed the Wildlife Risk Management Program (WRMP) at Confins International Airport (MG) aimed at reducing collisions between birds and aircraft in the terminal area. The WRMP relies on a team of biologists, veterinarians and environmental technicians, who employ techniques suited to capturing and frightening away animals in the operating area.
Another focus of the program's action is to raise awareness among employees and residents in the surrounding area of the importance of appropriate waste disposal. The presence of food scraps, for instance, has the potential to attract bird, increasing the risk to operations.