Qualification of human capital
Approximately 12,000 people work in CCR Group offices and business units. These professionals' technical knowledge of the infrastructure sector and the ability to make investments to add value to the service provided to users, seeking innovations and more efficient to the processes, are the differentials in the growth of the company's business.
Qualification of human capital
Approximately 12,000 people work in CCR Group offices and business units. These professionals' technical knowledge of the infrastructure sector and the ability to make investments to add value to the service provided to users, seeking innovations and more efficient to the processes, are the differentials in the growth of the company's business.
Formation of leaders aligned with corporate values and who are able to spread CCR Group culture to their teams is one of the strategic priorities developed under the auspices of the Leadership Development Program (LDP). In 2018, through a reorganization of the People Management area, the company started to map the professional profile of over 100 executives, based on new competencies necessary to support the growth and diversification of business.
The target for the CCR Group in 2019 is to have a new model for the Individual Development Plan (IDP) and the Development Trails by Competency. These tools, which cover business leaders, will develop broader themes that are aligned with the company's strategy, such as focus on results, collaboration and leadership for change.
Training on SDGs
In 2018, one of the courses offered to all employees in Our World of Knowledge was aimed at spreading and deepening knowledge of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), put out by the United Nations (UN), with global development goals to be achieved across society by 2030. In addition to explaining the initiative in detail, training showed the various actions taken and investments made by CCR Group that are in line with the targets proposed in the SDGs.
The main difference in the course offered is the engagement with employees, because it shows that reaching the goals is a joint effort by all of society. By exemplifying everyday actions that can contribute to the SDGs, the platform therefore increases awareness of socioenvironmental impacts and fosters individual change in behavior.
Safety and quality of life
Health and safety management at CCR Group includes, among its main guidelines, employee training on and awareness of the risks associated with each type of activity, promotion of a culture of safety, execution of preventive action plans and monitoring of accident indicators. CCR Group’s organization structure contains the Corporate Occupational Health and Safety area and the Quality of Life areas, which are responsible for managing these topics. In 2018, the company was award highlighted under the social responsibility pillar "The Best Companies in Corporate Citizenship" of the RH Management Group.
New Journey Program
In 2018, CCR Group created the New Journey Program (Programa Nova Jornada), aimed at employees who want to prepare themselves for the moment of the professional transition to the post-career period. The first group had 30 participants, all over 60 and should be expanded to include professionals over 45 years.
Employees that take part in the New Journey Program receive support and training to plan and implement a new life project, expanding their vision to new opportunities. They benefit from information and instruments for self-development. This initiative lasts six months.
During this phase, employees take part in six collective meetings and three individual meetings. They cover topics such as life cycle and career, view of retirement, financial planning, relationships and entrepreneurial action. A new group, also with 30 participants, will start in 2019.
Excellence in innovation and technology
"The challenges of change and innovation: consolidating achievements and organizational culture." This was the topic of the 14th Annual Meeting of the CCR Group, held in 2018 to bring leaders together for a day to reflect on challenges and opportunities in the business model. Innovation in processes, the search for technologies to improve people's quality of life and achieve the best results are strategic topics for the company's growth.
Excellence in innovation and technology
"The challenges of change and innovation: consolidating achievements and organizational culture." This was the topic of the 14th Annual Meeting of the CCR Group, held in 2018 to bring leaders together for a day to reflect on challenges and opportunities in the business model. Innovation in processes, the search for technologies to improve people's quality of life and achieve the best results are strategic topics for the company's growth.
The Shared Services Center plays a hugely important role in relation to this topic. In addition to strengthening efficiency and agility in managing concessions, the CCR Actua, CCR Engelog and CCR EngelogTec units drive the capacity to innovate in areas central to the CCR Group's business model.
Facial Recognition of Vehicles
The Facial Recognition of Vehicles project, implemented at CCR AutoBAn, exemplifies how innovation is aimed at improving services and business management. Through the initiative, CCR Group, via CCR EngelogTec, was awarded "The 100 + Innovative in Use of IT" award, under the Corporate Group and Holdings category, promoted by IT Mídia.
Using artificial intelligence systems, data analysis and cloud computing, CCR AutoBAn cameras monitor vehicles travelling on toll roads managed and identify cases where license plates are adulterated. Infractions such as toll evasion, which are prejudicial to collections and to the other, paying users, end up being prevented more swiftly and effectively.
The system created is inspired by safety camera facial recognition technologies, but it required a huge internal development effort of partnership with suppliers. As a result, CCR Group has made it possible to cross-reference an offending vehicle's image with another 730 million transactions carried out yearly, making it feasible to hold drivers responsible and enhance oversight.
Sustainability management
Interaction with different stakeholders and the hefty investments made by CCR Group in concessions have made sustainability management strategic to the company's business model. To do this, governance of the theme is wide-ranging and permeates the Shared Services Center as well as units.
Sustainability management
Interaction with different stakeholders and the hefty investments made by CCR Group in concessions have made sustainability management strategic to the company's business model. To do this, governance of the theme is wide-ranging and permeates the Shared Services Center as well as units.
With this management structure, CCR Group is continually advancing in developing solutions and innovations that improve the eco-efficiency of its processes. Energy consumption and waste disposal, for instance, are central aspects to managing continually enhanced concessions.
Climate change is another topic managed by CCR Group in a corporate and strategic manner. Since 2016, the company has worked under the guidance of the Climate Change Policy and has committed to implement programs and actions so as to guarantee that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from all units are equal to or less than previously year recorded emissions. These initiatives are in line with the Corporate Action Plan, developed by CCR Actua.
In 2018, the CCR Group was chosen, for the eighth consecutive year, to join the the B3's Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) portfolio. In addition, it received the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) , the CDP Supplier Engagement Leader 2018 at CDP Supply Chain Program and the score Climate A- at CDP Climate Change program.
CCR Group and Instituto Ayrton Senna, which develops projects to promote public education in Brazil, signed an unprecedented partnership agreement in 2018. The "Aperte para Educar" (Press to Educate) program allows users who pay tolls in cash to donate part of their change to the institution.
This donation occurs whenever a driver voluntarily pushes a button installed on booths in the toll plazas located on São Paulo state toll roads. Money raised goes directly to the Institute.
Drivers using toll roads managed by CCR Group donated R$ 185,000 in 2018 to Instituto Ayrton Senna. The maximum amount allowed for each donation is R$ 0.40.